Beard Styles for Fat Guys

Find everything you need to know about shaping and maintaining the perfect beard.

a fat guy getting his beard styled
Photo by Nathon Oski / Unsplash

What does it mean to be fat, anyway? Is it a matter of BMI? Body shape? Or just a feeling that you can't fit in with the rest of the world? Well, whatever your situation is, I'm here to tell you that there are plenty of great ways to wear a beard no matter what size you are. While many people assume that only skinny guys can wear beards, this isn't really true at all! While some things might be harder for bigger guys (like finding clothes), others are easier (such as getting food delivered). There's no reason not to try out something new—and if it doesn't work out well in the long run then who cares?!

Fat guys can rock a beard.

Beards are in, and they're here to stay. With the popularity of beards growing higher every year, it's a good bet that you'll see more and more guys with facial hair as time goes on.

Beards can be a great way to hide a double chin or make your face look thinner (if that's what you're going for). A full beard is also an excellent way to look older than your actual age if that helps any with dating apps or job interviews!

Finally, if all else fails: Beards have been known to make some guys look like rock stars.

If you want to look thinner, get a beard and grow it out.

If you want to look thinner and more masculine, get a beard and grow it out. Also consider a good fat burner to help you slim down as well. Beards can make you look older, which is good if you're trying to appear more mature or professional. And they are also known as a status symbol; if someone has a full-on Grizzly Adams beard, he's probably doing alright in life.

Grow it in the right place.

If you're not sure where to start, consider these tips:

  • Don't grow it too long. A beard that's too long can look messy, unkempt and unprofessional--not exactly the image you want to project when trying to get your foot in the door at a new job.
  • Don't grow it too thick. Getting a bit carried away with the razor? Avoid over-groomed stubble by keeping your facial hair trimmed at an even length throughout its growth cycle (about every two weeks). If this sounds like more work than you'd like, consider using clippers instead of scissors or razors for quick touchups between appointments with a professional stylist who knows how best to manage facial hair on larger frames without sacrificing style or comfortability.*

Don't overdo it.

Don't get a beard if you are not going to take care of it. You should have a basic understanding of how to maintain a healthy beard, and be willing to put in the effort. Don't let it get too long, or scraggly, or unkempt. If you do these things right then there is no reason why your beard shouldn't look great! Don't worry if you don't know what to use or buy keep reading and we'll tell you!

Make sure your face shape works with your beard style.

The first thing to consider is your face shape. If you have a round or square shaped face, this means that the width and length of your face are about equal (or nearly so), and it can be difficult to make one look longer than the other. If this sounds like you, then consider choosing a beard style that will accentuate either one or both sides of your face. For example, if your chin and jaw line are strong but narrow when viewed from above--like in an oval shape--then go ahead and grow out some sideburns! It'll help balance things out by making sure there's enough hair on each side of the face to balance out those wide cheeks and forehead area. The best way to check all angles of your face is to use a high quality yet inexpensive bear mirror like the one below:

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3 Way Trifold Haircut Mirror, 360 Degree Mirror for, Shaving, Grooming,

Never miss an angle on your face.

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On top of considering what kind of facial hair looks best on us fat guys, we also need to think about how much time we want/can afford spending maintaining our facial foliage every day.

Use good tools to maintain your beard or have someone do it for you.

If you want to keep a good beard, then it's important to use good tools. A good pair of clippers will save you time and money in the long run, while a trimmer can help you get the right length. If you don't have the patience or time to maintain your own beard, ask a barber at least once every few weeks if they can do it for you (or hire one). However if you don't want to go to the barber every week to trim your beard then check out some these clippers:

Philips Norelco Multigroomer All-in-One Trimmer Series 3000

The most affordable option with the best reviews. 

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With some planning and grooming, you can make sure you look your best while still rocking that beard!

Don't worry, you don't have to be a professional barber to get your beard looking good. With some planning and grooming, you can make sure you look your best while still rocking that beard!

One of the most important tools in having a beard women will love is using the right beard wash and beard oil. We scoured the market and found this beard wash soap and beard oil to be absolute panty droppers:

Bossman 3 Pack Mens Bar Soap 4-in-1 Natural Organic Beard Wash

Keeping your beard washed is a must

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After your wash you need to dry your beard and add beard growth oil. Beard growth oil acts as a beard softener, thickener, tamer, and moisturizer. The carefully chosen natural oils in this beard oil moisturize and stimulate hair follicles and pores to improve beard health so you can rock a polished, yet seductive look

Bossman Beard Oil Jelly

The magic scent will get you noticed by all the ladies

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Once you got yourself a good soap and oil, make sure that the length of your hair is consistent all around. If there are any stray hairs sticking out or uneven patches in length, it will distract from the overall look of your face and make it appear messy. It may take some time for this process but trust me--it'll be worth it when everyone tells their friends how handsome they think you look!

Once this step is done, now comes time for trimming away excess hair around neckline areas where there might be more growth than others (this can happen when people use different products). The easiest way as well as safest way would probably be using an electric trimmer such as this one:

Brightup Beard Trimmer for Men

Lots of lenghts to choose from 

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Lastly you will need a good aftershave to throw on after you have shaved the areas of your face that is absent of your beard. One of our favorite after shaves is this one:

Weleda Men's After Shave Lotion, 3.4 oz

Smells great, all natural ingredients will keep your skin bump free and fresh all day long

Check Price on Amazon

I personally have been using this aftershave for years and my skin has since stopped breaking out after every shave.


We hope that this article has helped you understand the different types of products for beards and how they can work with your face shape. If you're still not sure what style and products are right for you, we encourage you to experiment with different lengths and products until you find one that feels natural. The most important thing is to have fun with it!