Treadmills with 350 lb Weight Capacity

From the best of the best, to the best for those on a budget. We've found the top 3!

Several Treadmills with 350 lb capacity
Photo by Ryan De Hamer / Unsplash


If you're looking for a treadmill that can accommodate more than just your average runner, then this list is for you. We've rounded up some of the best treadmills designed for heavier users in order to help you find the perfect one for your needs.

Walking on a treadmill is one of the most convenient ways to burn calories and stay fit.

Walking on a treadmill is one of the most convenient ways to burn calories and stay fit. You can walk on a treadmill at home, in a gym, or at the office. You can also walk on a treadmill while watching TV or reading. The options are endless! You’ll be able to make use of your favorite activities without missing out on any great options for burning calories or staying fit.

Treadmills offer a low-impact, aerobic workout that promotes heart health and weight loss.

Treadmills offer a low-impact, aerobic workout that promotes heart health and weight loss. They're also great for people who have joint injuries or other physical limitations that make running difficult or impossible.

In addition to being good for your heart, walking is one of the best ways to get into shape. Anyone can do it—young or old, fit or out of shape. Most people just need a pair of shoes and some open space like their living room floor (or outside if it's warm enough). The only thing stopping you from getting started is your fear of getting started!

Treadmills are a great way to stay fit without having to leave your house. As you walk or jog, you'll be burning calories and building strength in your legs and core. You can also use it for low impact workouts like running on an incline or using the treadmill's built-in programs that simulate hills and other terrain.

Treadmill benefits include:

  • Burning calories while you work out
  • Easy accessibility since you can buy one on Amazon and have it delivered to your home
  • Low impact activity because the machine moves under your feet instead of forcing them into unnatural positions
  • Helps improve bone density and strengthen muscles

They allow you to set the pace, distance, and duration of your workout with simple menu controls

Basic treadmill controls consist of speed, incline and duration settings.

To change the speed of your workout on a treadmill, press the “speed” button and then use the up or down arrows to choose your desired pace.

To change the incline on a treadmill, press the “incline” button and then use the up or down arrows to select an incline level. Choose between 0-10 degrees for beginners or 15-30 degrees for advanced runners. The higher you set it, the more difficult your workout will be (but also less time it'll take).

These treadmills are good value for money and will last a long time

These treadmills are good value for money and will last a long time. They are easy to assemble, easy to ship and move around, and they can be stored away when not in use.

All have been positively reviewed by heavy people!

3G Cardio Elite Runner Treadmill - Runner’s Marathon Treadmill - Commercial Grade - 400 LB User Capacity

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Why I love it:

First let me tell you this one is pricey! But if you're serious about your health and weight then this is our #1 choice! As one reviewer put it "this is a tank of treadmill" . You will not regret buying this if indeed you are looking to invest in the best treadmill money can deliver to your door step! No membership is required so you don't have to worry about additional monthly costs!

If this one is too expensive don't worry I've got some more options for your down below!

Sunny Health & Fitness T7643 Heavy Duty Walking Treadmill with 350 lb High Weight Capacity,

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Why I love it:

You can't beat the price and reviews on this one! It's an Amazon Choice for a reason. With over 900 reviews and 4.5 stars this is a great deal!

Exerpeutic TF900 High Capacity Fitness Walking Electric Treadmill, 350 lbs

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Why I love it:

It's the best you can get for under $500. Yes you might have to give it some more TLC along the way but it's a great choice for someone who is just starting out their treadmill journey and wants to see if its for them without making a huge investment.

Ideas on where to place your treadmill :

Placing your treadmill in a strategic spot can help you perform better and stay motived. I recommend you place your treadmill near a window that gets the best sunlight in your home. Having your treadmill in a bright area will help improve your mood as there are tons of benefits from sunlight.

If you don't have a place to put it with lots of natural light try placing it where you can watch TV or listen to the radio easily. If you're going to watch TV while using your treadmill I recommend you watch some youtube videos that walk you through nature or beautiful scenery. This can help you in taking your mind off exercsing and just enjoy the scenery your viewing!

Secondly clear your clutter! Your treadmill should be in a room free from clutter and mess. You want your space to be as open and inviting as it can be. Remember every little detail that you put into the strategic placing of your treadmill will aide you in succeeding with the long term use of it!


In conclusion, we have reviewed 3 best treadmills that are great value for money and will last a long time. These treadmills offer a low-impact, aerobic workout that promotes heart health and weight loss. They allow you to set the pace, distance, and duration of your workout with simple menu controls.

We hope this helps you in your search for your search for a treadmill with 350 lb capacity!

While treadmills are an awesome way to stay in shape you can speed up your weight loss by adding a fat burning supplement to your routine. Read our latest article on the best fat burners for men here.

As always thanks for popping by!